Sunday, April 1, 2012


I have been told that the blog was being "evil" about allowing comments. I think I have fixed this, but please let me know if it is still difficult.

I went on an outing today for the first time since Wednesday. It was definitely time. I did two errands and had coffee with my sister who lives in the next state. Hooray!

On the home front, Mom is having trouble remembering who people are (both their names and their relationship to her). The spin function on the washing machine broke, and I can't get the sticky vomit from last Thursday off the sheets. Or do other wash. Where is the manual for being an adult?

I have to contact two funeral homes tomorrow, and wait for a time when I am relaxed and Mom is doing her best impression of cogent to discuss these details. She is considering being buried rather than cremated, I think mostly because it makes a difference to me. She also desperately wanted to be buried with her family when she "first" learned that they had died. But when she was more rational, she was back to just considering.

Mom informed me today that she wanted the TV moved lower. I started discussing this with her (as it appears just high enough that she can see it over her knees), and it came to light that she needed the TV to be lower because the people from Comcast called and told her that she had to be careful not to let the two sides of the wound on her tailbone (bedsore) get pulled apart or they wouldn't heal. I am glad that I sought to understand her true objective, for as you can imagine, I had some alternate strategies to suggest.

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